The Historic Homes of Southern Indiana Digital Photo Archive is a collection of MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Listings from the 1960's and 70's that were discovered in a real estate office in the early 2000's. In 2004, Realtor Ed Clere and Floyd County Historian David C. Barksdale applied for a $2000 matching grant from the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana and the Indiana Humanities Council. The Southern Indiana Board of Realtors provided a $2000 matching grant to support "this historically significant project."
It is hoped that these images will provide a historic record of homes in Southern Indiana to be used by historians, genealogist, and architectural preservationists in our community.
Supporting this initial grant were Melanie Hughes, IUS Librarian; J. Reid Williamson, Jr., Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana; and Scott T. Massey, Indiana Humanities Council.
These images were digitized by Jonathan Silpayamanant in the fall of 2005 and the spring of 2006. Barbara Gelwick, M.L.S., M.I.S, programmed the search capabilities of the archive and designed the initial site. Jim Sprigler of HALO Applications supported the web server hosting.